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HAZ • Recruitment
Mobile Development
If you want to have this kind of jobs, you should have your ability to develop iOS, Android and Windows Phone. You must know how to use #C, C++, Java or others. And must be one of those SDK developers.
Computer Development
If you want to have this kind of jobs, you should have your ability to develop Mac, Windows and Liunx. You must know how to use #C, C++, Java or others. And must be one of those SDK developers.
Web Development
If you want to have this kind of jobs, you should have your ability to build the web and web server. You must know how to use #C, Java, HTML or others. And must be one of those SDK developers.
UI Designing
If you want to have this kind of jobs, you should have your ability to use Photoshop and some other graph tools. And, you must have your ability of make the hand drawing version shift into a digital version.
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